A global celebration of non-monogamous communities, identities, and values!
July 7-13, 2025
Together, we can normalize
By promoting visibility, challenging stereotypes, and celebrating love in all its forms, we can pave the way for a world where non-monogamous families and relationships are not just accepted but celebrated.
The Week of Visibility is a movement-wide week of action dedicated to amplifying non-monogamous voices, identities, and experiences in order to dismantle stereotypes, promote acceptance, and celebrate how far we’ve come as a movement!
Get involved!
Learn how you can help bring the Week of Visibility to life and join the celebration!
The Day of Visibility for Non-monogamy is supported by the following organizations and allies. Click here to sign on as an endorser, or help make the Week of Visibility possible by registering as a sponsor.
Sponsors help offset the cost of organizing the global Week of Visibility. Click here to learn more about sponsorships!
Our thanks to our 2024 sponsors: Chosen Family Law TX; Loving Without Boundaries; Misfits in Love; Multiamory Podcast; Naughty Gym; Playing With Fire Podcast; Plura (Formerly Bloom Community); Relationship Diversity Podcast; Ruth A. Larson, LMHC NY Therapist; Shameless Care; Velvet Ties; and ysos: Dating app for couples and singles.
Endorsing Organizations
Agenda Não Mono
Amor Vivo
Amy Loen, Poly Realtor
Asexual Visibility & Education Network
Birds of a Feather Matchmaking
Bisexual Resource Center
Body Shop ENM Club
Bonobo Network
Bonobo Relationships

Casa Galenia

Center for Positive Sexuality
Chosen Family Law Center
Chosen Family Law Texas
colette clubs
Design Inside
Evergreen Hearts
Front Porch Swingers Podcast
GLMA: Health Professionals Advancing LGBTQ+ Equality
Hump Day Quickies Podcast
Joli Hamilton, PhD, Founder of The Year of Opening
Loving Without Boundaries
Making Polyamory Work
Misfits in Love
Modern Family Institute
Multiamory Podcast
National Coalition for Sexual Freedom
Naughty Events
Naughty Gym
The Nonbinary Polyhistor
The Non-monogamy Card Game
Normalizing Non-monogamy Podcast
Oasis Aqualounge
"Open: A Journey Through Love" Documentary
O.P.E.N. Love Madison
#open: Polyamorous & ENM Dating
Open Relating
Open The Doors Coaching
Passport 2 Pleasure
The Pincus Center
The Pineapple Express Podcast
The Play
Plus Importance Project
Poliamor Chile
Poly Alt Parenting
Poly Philia
The Poly (Pod)Cast
Poly Pop Culture
Polyamour Romandie
The Polyamory Foundation
Polyamory Legal Advocacy Coalition
Playing With Fire Podcast
Plura (Formerly Bloom)
Polyamory Open East Texas
Queer Polyam Boston
Radical Relating
Ready for Polyamory Podcast
Relationship Diversity Podcast
The Root: Birth, Babies, Beyond
Safer Play Spaces by SaferSex.com
Shameless Care
Sheff Consulting
Soaring Heart Center
Stockton Area Polyamory
Sunny Dee Podcast
The Swing Nation Podcast
Swinger Society
Swinging Lifestyle Coach
The Unseen Lounge
ysos: Dating app for couples and singles
Velvet Ties
Woodhull Freedom Foundation
Individual Endorsers
Adelina Adler: Sex Coach & Educator; Cyn Armistead Newman, aka TechnoMom; David Lee Padgett; Derrell Cox, PhD; Dr. Heath Schechinger, Founding Co-Chair, APA Division 44 Committee on Consensual Non-monogamy and Co-Founder, Polyamory Legal Advocacy Coalition; J Thibault; James Walsh Paquette; Jared Boot-Haury; Joe Hamm; Johnathon Rainey; Joli Hamilton, PhD, CSE, relationship coach and qualitative jealousy & non-monogamy researcher; Kitchen Table Poly Mom; Luis; Marco Gabriel Gallardo; Markus Fromherz; Michael jose franco guerrero @inspiredr; R.A. Frick, Queer and Polyamorous Author of Queer and ENM Fiction; Ro Moëd @unapolygetically; Robin Walley, LCSW; Sky Kinsman, Somatica Intimacy Coach; Steve Ks; Sunflower Soul Doula Services; Natalie Davis, Writer and Presenter; Brenda M Bennett, @TranscendentRetreat @brendathebassist; DJ Strega - Goth/Industrial DJ @djstrega; Infinite Polyam; Natalie Davis Adventures, Writer and Presenter; Aria Diana, Non-Monogamy Relationship Coach & Somatic Facilitator; Emily Duffy Therapy; Marilu Esplandiu, Board Certified Sexologist Specializing in ENM; @allyiseman; Rebecca Lester, PhD, LCSW, anthropologist and clinical social worker -- @psychanthro; Nope! We're Not Monogamous the podcast hosted by Ellecia Paine, non-monogamous relationship coach. @elleciapaine; Dr. Sandy Peace, PsyD California Licensed Clinical Psychologist @drsandypeace;